dreamcker v1.4


Here is the previous article I wrote about Dreamcker.

Dreamcker (Docker Hub) is a docker container with all required tools to build dreamcast games.

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powersharp: dotnet core C# powershell library


powersharp is a dotnet core c# library which has the capability to run powershell scripts and process the resulting objects.

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OpenLDAP + Blowfish hashes

I have been recently faced to a problem regarding password encryption and support of the encryption in OpenLDAP. Working on an authentication project migration, we have passwords encrypted using Blowfish, we have to migrate them under OpenLdap.

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Rabbitmq and Erlang/OTP Windows Containers

Here at Gsx Solutions for our full product suite, we highly rely on RabbitMQ. Until last release we rely on version 3.5.4 we delivered to our customers. Since, this version has been recently been deprecated, we decided to upgrade our final package to v3.7.4.

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Debug dotnet applications inside a docker container

From time to time, as a dotnet developer we have to face this specific error Could not load file or assembly 'Assembly Strong Name' or one of its dependencies.

To help debugging this particular situation, Microsoft provides a tool in the .net SDK called: fuslogvw.

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DockerCon EU 2017

I was quite excited by going to DockerCon 2017 EU and following in depth technical talks about Containers / Orchestration / Networking / Firewalls and Micro Services. And to be honest, I have been really satisfied by meeting smart people doing really nice things.

All videos are available at this adress: DockerCon Videos

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Import part or full git repository to another repository

Import part of git repository to another repository in order to keep history of the imported files.

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Skype For Business ADAL


If you use Lync 2013 SDK it could happen you get some issues when Signing-in to skype.

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Dreamcker: Dreamcast development environment in a docker container


The motivation behind this little project is to provide a unified way to get the Dreamcast toolchain and development tools.

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Skype For Business SDK Prerequisites


It could be a good idea to drive Skype for business 2016 from a c# application. There a couple of use cases:

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