Sharepoint Online CSOM - Part1
Client Side Object Model (CSOM) was first introduced in SharePoint 2010. The Client Side Object Model is mainly used to build client applications and enable programs to access SharePoint Sites that are hosted outside without using web services. Before CSOM existence, developpers had no choice using SOAP web services.
Scrum thoughts & Applications
Quite recently I have done a training about Scrum to a little development team (~6 people) in Rotterdam. They started the move to Scrum by themself a couple of months ago and think they do Scrum in a wrong way. Indeed they applied in the wrong way for several reasons :
Microsoft PowerShell issues
Here at GSX we make a heavy usage of Microsoft Powershell to perform our Monitoring features on
- Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Sharepoint
Redis running on Windows
How-to compile Hadoop on Windows 8
- Have at least Visual Studio 2010 installed
- Install JDK 1.7 or OpenJDK
- Install Maven 3.0+
- Grab last Hadoop 2.6 source distribution
Microsoft SSL implementation usage is a mess(l)
TLS/SSL Description
Since the different applicative protocols can run with or without SSL, servers must expose dedicated port (443 for https) or switch (STARTTLS in SMTP, POP, NNTP)
Above a description of the handshake between a client and a server running TLS (or SSL)
Environnement de developpement Dreamcast
Mise en place et étude du développement Dreamcast
C'est lors d'une install party à Metz que j'ai rencontré une personne qui lançait un rendu de Tux sur un écran géant à partir de sa Dreamcast. C'est de là que m'est venue l'idée de développer pour cette console que j'adore.
boost::program_options is part of the popular C++ general boost library. This particular library is dedicated to manage command line arguments for your C++ programs.
Command line parameters are described at the start of your program and are used like any other command line parameters at Unix-style