Microsoft PowerShell issues
Here at GSX we make a heavy usage of Microsoft Powershell to perform our Monitoring features on
- Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Lync
For this particular purpose we use this kind of script :
$shell = "" $target = New-Object Uri("http://serverHostname/Powershell") $emailusername = "username" $encrypted = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($emailusername, $encrypted) $i = 0 while ($true) { $connectionInfo = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.WSManConnectionInfo($target, $shell, $credential) $connectionInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = "Kerberos" $Runspace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace($connectionInfo) $Runspace.Open() Write-Host "Step " + $i $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() Try { $ps.Runspace = $Runspace $ps.Commands.AddCommand("Test-OWAConnectivity") $res = $ps.Invoke() $i = $i + 1 } Catch [System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException] { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName Write-Host $ErrorMessage Write-Host $FailedItem Write-Host "RunspaceInfo Status = " $ps.Runspace.RunspaceStateInfo } Finally { $ps.Dispose() $Runspace.Close() } }
This simple scripts connects to the Exchange PowerShell endpoint and perform the query : Test-OWAConnectivity
We got the same kind of code running in our tool GSX Monitor.
To reproduce this issue, we need to call multiple commands in a row in th eloop body :
$ps.Runspace = $Runspace $ps.Commands.AddCommand("Test-OWAConnectivity") $res = $ps.Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $ps.Commands.AddCommand("Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity") $res = $ps.Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $ps.Commands.AddCommand("Test-OWAConnectivity") $res = $ps.Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $ps.Commands.AddCommand("Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity") $res = $ps.Invoke()
This relies on an assembly provided by Microsoft : System.Management.Automation located in the GAC. This is the core PowerShell library deployed on a regular basis by Windows update. This code was running perfectly for almost 2 or 3 years. Recently we noticed changes. We did not identified when those updates occured. Now this script generates exception on a regular basis :
As we can see on the screenshot, we got a PSRemotingTransportException with a very tricky error message with a SOAP envelop issue. As you can see on the screenshot, the sessin is still in a correct opened state. Those errors occur since 2 or 3 months approximatively. We can reproduce easily on all Remote PowerShell endpoints : Lync, Sharepoint and even on raw wsman endpoint.